
2023 Stypendium Marszalka Wojewodztwa Pomorskiego dla tworcow kultury Open PDF


PORTFOLIO Bente Kluge Open PDF

Exhibition documentation

2022 Oronsko Centre of Polish Sculpture Open PDF

2021 35th anniversary of work Open PDF

2021 The National Museum in Gdansk Open PDF

2021 “The artist- the creative process” Open PDF

2018 Sopocki Pasaż Sztuki – Przejście Open PDF

2014 to 2016 Wood Symposiums in Gdansk and Oslo Open PDF

2013 Granite Symposium Open PDF


About Bente’s sculptures – Prof. S. Ostrowski ( in Norwegian) Open PDF

A Report from the Land of Tenderness
Reflections upon the sculptural art of Bente Kluge – Roman Gajewski
Open PDF

Broken Columns – Exhibition text ( in Polish ) Open PDF
